-Once I told an indian dude in judo that black people are usually born with a greater proportion of fast-twitch muscles, suitable for explosive movements like sprinting and jumping. You know what he said? "That's racist!" People these days. I wonder what he would have said if I told him that Asian people are shorter than white people.
-Ethnic studies classes always say this: "Race is cultural, not biological. Everything is a cultural construct, and there are no physical differences." WTF? They are basically denying that white people are taller than asian people, hiding their head in the sand and spreading their gospel that every race is genetically identical.
-Ethnic studies classes always emphasize that every race has the same intelligence and ability. That is almost certainly a lie. We do not have enough knowledge to conclude whether or not all races have the same innate genetic intelligence. Given all genetic differences between races of the world, it doesn't even matter if our DNA is 99.99% the same: Obviously this 0.01% can make a huge difference in facial attributes and bone density, so why can't it affect other things such as learning potential? Here's an analogy: Bubba and Bubbette have two children who are not twins. One is orange and one is blue (note my careful choice of colors). The orange one gets and education and the blue one doesn't. In 1950 America proclaims that the blue one is inferior. In 2010 America proclaims that both have identical intelligence. BOTH CLAIMS (racist and anti-racist) HAVE NO SUBSTANTIATING EVIDENCE.
-Ethnic studies classes would have us believe that certain minorities, such as black women and Asian men, are perceived as ugly because of the brainwashing media and Hollywood depicting white people as angelic beauties. They never bothered to consider that some people might really just tend to be ugly! Face is an important universal identifier of attractiveness, ingrained by evolution and TRANSCENDING culture, and different races have different faces. They also never bothered to consider that Asians are very non-hairy, which is a FEMININE feature. Females do not have chest hair, and neither do most Asian men. And most girls do not like girly men; this is also evolutionary rather than cultural, for obvious reasons.
-Music classes would have us believe that Western musical harmony is widespread because of cultural imperialism. They say that as babies we would not prefer one system over another. However, let's note some important facts: The Asian pentatonic scale and the Middle Eastern phrygian minor scale are both SUBSETS of Western chromatic tonality! This means that you can create foreign styles with the Western system, but you cannot create Western music with the foreign system. It therefore comes as no surprise that each of these cultures saw value in enriching their music with new colors. In turn, Western music was also enriched with foreign elements, so it's not like the spread was one-directional.
The civil rights movement involved focus on equality for human beings, skepticism towards propaganda like "whites are superior," and committing to what is right. I ask you now to maintain this attitude towards the new rising tide. Remain a TRUE liberal, and don't hop on the bandwagon of liars out of SHARED FEAR of racism.
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