Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mince Meat

We are on a train. The train stops. The station "doors" open.

The station doors are REALLY confusing. So confusing that Johnny Hwang is all like "WHATHAFACK?!" They are a maze. They open, and I step through one set of doors, but I'm not really sure if I'm in the station yet, because there's a maze of fences made from blue metallic mesh. I step through yet another set of doors and it seems I just got closer to the train again!

"The doors are closing. Please stand clear of the doors."

Well I am clear of the doors but DAMN these metallic mesh fences are CLOSING ON ME. AHHH I'm going to be crushed alive! "WHATHAFACK" says Johnny again. We are shortly thereafter crushed alive.

I feel... restrained... as if in hibernation or suspended animation, but alive. Why am I still alive, even unhurt? Ah, therein lies the GENIUS of this crushing system. You see, it left our BLOOD VESSELS intact. Yes, and that's all we need to survive. Our blood vessels. It somehow circumvented all of our vital organs and is now encasing all of our blood vessels in metallic material, with microscopic precision. Don't ask me how it was able to trap our blood vessels in a fine mesh without even breaking our skin/muscle/bones/brain/heart; this is dream logic. "How am I going to get out of this trap?" I think to myself. "Ah, requires too much brain power to think of some creative plot device... would rather wake up," responds my brain.

Solution: In retrospect, we could have simply waited for the next train to arrive. The doors and fences would then have opened, thereby freeing our blood vessels. Then we could have used that precious time to try to get free of the station before the doors closed again.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Do You Feel Sorry For Pedophiles and/or Animal-philes? A Scandalous Survey.

I just saw Doubt (2008).

Pedophiles and animalphiles are distinct from other people of uncommon sexual desire (such as LGBT community) because many argue that the objects of their desire have no ability to consent. They are shunned by society even in comparison to LGBT's, but for what reasons?

1. Are animals capable of consent? I would think that if an animal did not give any signs of resistance and orgasmed then it would qualify as consent, no? Who are we to say that they "can't think for themselves and therefore it is bad for them"?

2. Are children capable of consent? Children are humans aka pretty damn smart and would probably give resistance if they did not like something. Anyway puberty hits as early as 9. Some say children just don't know any better or don't know what they want or are confused, but I am averse to that sort of PC fluff-talk and would like evidence to support it.

Whether or not animals or children are capable of consent, I feel sorry for all those weird people. They did not ASK to be born with such strange sexual desires. The only reason these people are branded as disgusting creepers who deserve no sympathy, is that society is full of myopic band-wagoners who are too pea-brained to place themselves in someone else's shoes.

3. Do you feel sorry for pedophiles and/or animal-philes? Why or why not?