Saturday, June 2, 2007

Morals Make us Fake

Would you sacrifice your dog to save the lives of 3 other dogs? No! If you were Spiderman and you could only choose one or the other, whom would you save: Girlfriend, or little kids? Girlfriend! Would you rather save your mom's life, or the lives of 5 starving children you have never heard of? YOUR MOM!!

I answered the above three questions for you assuming that you are human, and that you do not follow some higher, rationalized code of ethics. Morals are obtained from society and culture rather than our own instincts. Therefore, when you act upon morals you are not necessarily doing what you really want to do. The less morals you have, the more self-reliant and authentic you are. Don't be made fake by morals!!!! Consider the following:

A weak friend refuses to share his friend's secrets because of his strong sense of morality. A real friend refuses to share his friend's secrets because he cares about his friend.

A weak man stops himself from cheating on his wife with a really sexy woman, because he has morals. A faithful man stops himself from cheating on his wife because he loves her.

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