I discover some random stuff taped/glued/attached to my skin, including a small object resembling a "watch battery" that I know to be a small bomb. I tap at this watch battery, attempting to dislodge it, and realize a moment to late that this bomb is tap-activated. So, 5 seconds later the bomb explodes and blows a good chunk of flesh from my left arm. Drat.
Dying quickly from blood loss, I can choose either to go to the hospital, or try to turn back time. I opt for the latter. Blood is dripping on the floor but I know that as long as I can complete the ritual I can reverse time to before the bomb exploded on my arm. I manage to set the alarm with only my right hand for the coming minute. Several seconds later, "beep beep, beep beep" says the watch, and everything goes black... I open my eyes and I'm back to the same position in which I was sitting before I tapped at the watch battery; the time reversal was successful.
Now some stuff happened that I can't remember but fast forward a couple minutes later. I am waiting at a bart station to go to Southern California, because apparently that is the only way to get these detonators off of my skin. A train arrives. "Millbrae", it announces. Oh shit, I forget -- am I supposed to take the millbrae train and transfer, or not? Not having enough time to look up on my smartphone which train I'm supposed to take, instinct kicks in and I hop on the train.
Looking at the map I quickly realize that this was the wrong decision because the Millbrae station is a dead end and at the opposite direction that I should be going. I will have to get off at the station and get on another train bound in the opposite direction. During the trip I make light conversation with some random guy and we sort of become buddies.
The train stops and we get off. We step on a conveyor belt. The conveyor belt actually has a dead end that drops off to an abyss. However, a right side low wall with moving rubber handlebar strip continues into the abyss as a foothold for passengers that wish to brave the chasm (Please see picture). "Do we have to go through here even if we're just trying to catch another train?" I ask. "Yes," responds some random guy with authority.
Unfortunately at this very moment I check my pockets and realize my wallet had been stolen. Wanting to first find my wallet before proceeding, I turn around and start jogging in the opposite direction, to avoid falling into the abyss (since the conveyor belt is actually moving at a jogging pace, I can remain stationary by jogging in the opposite direction).
The "friend" that I had light conversation with earlier catches up to me with my wallet in his hand. "Haha I picked your pocket" he says, then nonchalantly tosses my wallet so that it lands exactly on the moving handlebar strip. To catch up to my wallet I quickly dig my feet into the wall and hang on the moving handlebar for dear life (similar to a "cat hang" in parkour), as I have now cleared the moving floor and have nothing under me but the abyss, and nothing to hang onto except the wall.
Just as I catch up to my wallet and am about to take it, some random guy from the OTHER side of the wall (there is no abyss on the other side of hip-high moving handle wall) harasses me by taking the wallet and sliding it even further down the moving handle. For good measure he also superhumanly reaches into my other pocket, pick-pockets my smartphone, and slides THAT down the moving handle as well.
At this point I realize I'm playing a video game and that the game developers implemented these crazy annoying pick-pocketing trolls to give the level a challenge. Simply scuttling along the wall would be too easy, I realized. Scuttling along the wall while worrying about retrieving your wallet and iphone, both of which are traveling along the moving handlebar -- now that's a challenge.
I finally manage to retrieve both items in my hand. Not wanting to deal with cat-hang-side-stepping anymore, I finally wise up and hop over this very low wall to the other side, where there is firm ground and no abyss. However, apparently this is not "the right way" to complete this obstacle course, as immediately my "friend" (who isn't friendly at all anymore) tackles me, mounts me, and begins to deliver terrible punches to my body.
The scenes is abruptly paused. A message box pops up in the game, informing me that the punches are not actually hurting my character; it's just a cutscene of the "friend" expressing indignation. It also says if I proceed with the "right way" (braving the entire obstacle course instead of pussying out like I did) I can get a slightly higher "quest reward". A bullet point indicates that the amount of extra reward is $300 in-game currency. A second bullet point below that says "Microsoft: -$45000". I have absolutely no clue what that second one meant. then i wake up